Friday, May 20, 2011

Our ALMOST Up North Life

Greetings, Family and Friends!

It has been quite a while since I have posted anything. Mainly because I couldn't talk about our life and all of it's new happenings until now. I am sad to say that very soon the title of this blog will be changing. I can finally announce that we are moving back "down state!" Boy, I never thought I would be saying those words!

To make a long story short, Dave will be working at his Grand Rapids branch starting June 6th! We are happy but this move is also bittersweet. We love living in Northern Michigan and especially love our friends that we have made over the past 6 and a half years. We will miss everyone here so much but know that even though we are moving, the friendships we have made will last a lifetime!

We know that God is the one in control and that He will continue to take care of us no matter where we are. We look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in Grand Rapids. Our Up North Life was amazing while it lasted and we are so thankful to the Lord for the time we did have here. We would not be the family we are if it wasn't for this time in our lives.

Much love and blessings to you all,


Friday, April 8, 2011


one of my dearest friends sent me a wonderful little book called, "mitten strings for God" by katrina kenison. it is a book of reflections for mothers in a hurry.

i have started reading it and about 5 chapters in i realized something. i am not a mother that is in a hurry and i am so glad. i know there will come a day when maybe i am, but for now, life is simple and i love it.

this is a note that the author keeps on her desk. i think i will print it out and hang it somewhere close so i too have a daily reminder to enjoy the "dailiness" of life.

"i have learned to quit speeding through life, always trying to do too many things too quickly, without taking the time to enjoy each day's doings. i think i always thought of real living as being high. i don't mean on drugs-i mean real living was falling in love, or when i got my first job, or when i was able to help somebody, or watch my baby get born, or have a good morning of really good writing. in between the highs i was impatient-you know how it is-life seemed so DAILY. now i love the dailiness. i enjoy washing dishes. i enjoy cooking, i see my father's roses out the kitchen window, i like picking beans. i notice everything-birdsongs, the clouds, the sound of wind, the glory of sunshine after two weeksof rain. these things i took for granted before.

i too don't want to learn this lesson as a result of 10 years of cancer and a few brushes with mortality. losing my father at age 18 changed me. i know life is short. i want be aware of life's beauty. i will close with this...

when i stop speeding through life, i find the joy in each day's doings, in the life that cannot be bought, but only discovered, created, savored, and lived.

blessings to you. enjoy your dailiness...


Saturday, April 2, 2011


this past week has been Spring Break and

we had our first real "friend" sleepover.

i was a little nervous. i have many memories

of my own sleepovers where we kept my parents up half the night.

i guess 5 year olds aren't quite readay for

all-nighters. thank goodness!

simon, ethan, bianca and carter getting ready

to watch a movie...popcorn was coming too!

after the movie the kids brought their sleeping

bags up to ethan's room. simon was out like a light right away.

ethan and bianca talked for awhile but all were

fast asleep by a little after 9pm.

looking forward to many more sleepovers in the future...probably sleepless ones!

today we are anxiously waiting for kev, katie and the twins to arrive.

tomorrow erin, matt and the girls come. looking forward to a fun few days with my brother and sister and their families.

happy saturday to you...



Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Mercies

Yesterday was not a great day.

I found myself on edge...anxious as you can see from my post yesterday. I felt snappy...correction, I was snappy with the boys.

My white haired two year old decided to spill his milk TWICE.

My almost 5 year old seemed to whine and cry over EVERYTHING!
I, an almost 35 year old, seemed to whine right back!

I am happy today is a fresh new day. I love that mornings bring new mercies.

I need them!

Not every day is going to be great. I know that more milk will be spilled and more whining will happen. I am reminded to cherish every day and those who are in it!

As promised...the above is an update on our master bedroom remodel. Still lots to do but you get the idea...
New mercies to you...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Anxious heart

I feel like too often this is me...

I worry. I worry about everything.
I ran across this verse...

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
And through the rivers,
they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire,
you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.
Isaiah 43:2

Lord, thank You that I can partner with You in my raising my boys, in my marriage and my other relationships and that I don't have to do it alone. I'm grateful that I can have clear directions from Your Word and wisdom as I pray to You for answers.

God Bless,

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Sneak Peak...

This past weekend we FINALLY started remodeling our master bedroom and bathroom.
While we were busy working the boys got creative with empty boxes and whatever else they could find...

Why not let them make more of a mess? Sure kept them busy for awhile...
p.s. the pink carpet will be gone SOON!

My new way of hanging necklaces. Saw this idea on another blog I it!

When it is totally finished I will take full photos. Hoping to finish
the floor and baseboards this week!
Hope you had a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love satisfies...

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
