Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Mercies

Yesterday was not a great day.

I found myself on edge...anxious as you can see from my post yesterday. I felt snappy...correction, I was snappy with the boys.

My white haired two year old decided to spill his milk TWICE.

My almost 5 year old seemed to whine and cry over EVERYTHING!
I, an almost 35 year old, seemed to whine right back!

I am happy today is a fresh new day. I love that mornings bring new mercies.

I need them!

Not every day is going to be great. I know that more milk will be spilled and more whining will happen. I am reminded to cherish every day and those who are in it!

As promised...the above is an update on our master bedroom remodel. Still lots to do but you get the idea...
New mercies to you...